The last couple days have been some of the most taxing on me in rescue yet.

We had some animals stolen. And now the ducks pictured are dead. I had to get the authorities involved, and the whole thing was beyond frustrating, heartbreaking and completely pointless and could have been entirely avoided.

I am constantly trying to give people the benefit of the doubt. And I recognize that comes at a price. I followed my intuition though and because of that the police were able to safely get back one duck and 4 geese, alive of the 20 animals taken.

I don’t want to be angry. I hate having feelings of resentment, or having bad blood with anyone. I hope this person can figure things out. I really liked and trusted them. And I just feel confused.

I haven’t wanted to show up on social media at all because I’m so mentally exhausted. funds are tighter than ever, the holidays seem to do this. The animals needs and rescues keep coming though. We get several phone calls a day to help animals, many we have to turn away due to lack of fosters and funds. Many we say yes to because we are truly their last resort.

I really want this platform and the family we have formed here to be a safe place, a place of kind words and trust and genuinity, of comfort and wise words.

I know I have been saying we are amping up our patreon and the truth is we are, but there has been one thing after another lately that has made that priority, well not a priority, but I promise by the New Year if changes are coming, and you all will be the first to know!

Also please make sure your cards aren’t expiring soon, otherwise we will get the boot and lose your much needed support!

As always, we love you all and thank you for being here. It means so much more than you know, especially in times like this.